Saturday, September 15, 2012

Timothy Lee/ Class 5: Self-Improvement @ Straight-A-Guide

by Timothy Lee

126. When you assess your environment, what opportunities for self-improvement can you create or seize??

Find a meaningful daily routine that would help you develop self-improvement things around you in prison.

127. What is your interpretation on the value of self-imposed structure of free time??

Walking to the library to find meaningful information to help with research for resources.?

128. What relationship do your daily activities have to the vision you have for your life upon release??

I set out every day to find something constructive to do with the vision toward my future.?

129. Imagine that you were to replicate your activities or use of time yesterday every day or your sentence. If you did, what level of preparation would have to triumph over the obstacles that await you upon your return to society??

Get my education, vocational trade and programs to keep up with today?s society level.

130. What activities within the prison environment can you pursue that will enhance your strengths???

Daily exercise, running, push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks.?

131. What activities within the prison environment would you categorize as a weakness?

Being involved with guys that indulge in gang activity, drugs and wine.?

132. What activities within the prison environment would you perceive as offering opportunities??

Educational school, vocational trade and institutional programs.?

133. What activities within the prison environment do you perceive as threatening your prospects for success upon release?

When guys see you trying to do something that?s right and they do negative things to stop you.?

134. To what extent do the activities you pursue inside the prison environment contribute to your strengths and opportunities??

It shows me how to work harder toward my goals no matter what?s going on around me.?

135. What steps do you deliberately take to minimize your exposure to weaknesses and threats??

I try to stay to myself and stay focus on my goals no matter what is going on.?

136. Using the SWOT-assessment technique, how would you assess your decision-making process prior to imprisonment??

I had a really bad attitude and decisions making problem that?s why I feel the SWOT model is good for guys.?

137. In what ways can the SWAT-assessment technique guide your decisions as you prepare for success upon release??

It can help me to learn more self?-control and decision making for when I go back to society.?

138. What types of activities in prison fall into quadrant one: low-risk/high-reward??

Stay out of the way of negative things and prepare for a better future with focusing on my goals.?

139. What types of activities in prison fall into quadrant two: high-reward/high-risk? ?

Getting involved with negative people and things that would cause you to be in harms way.?

140. What types of activities in prison fall into quadrant three: low-risk/low-reward??

Not wanting to do anything with free time but watch TV shows and play table games all the time.?

141. What types of activities in prison fall into quadrant four: high-risk/low-reward??

Making wine, drugs and gambling with low-reward all together.?

142. To what extent do your consider risk-reward analysis when assessing activities, interactions, or time allocation in prison?

I try to use my day in a positive manner to achieve certain goals.?

143 What type of self-improvement programs would enhance an individual?s prospects for success upon release??

Personal finance class, drug abuse counseling, domestic battery classes, psychology counseling, job skill preparation.?

144. What thoughts have you given to the type of employment you want to pursue upon release??

I want to become a counselor to help troubled young minority men and women that was just like me.?

145. Define the qualifications necessary for the type of job you want to pursue??

I would like to do a correspondence course in college for Human Services while I am incarcerated.?

146. How do your self-improvement programs prepare you for the type of job you want to pursue??

Being able to talk to guys in here by influencing them to get their education together and to work on being a better person.?

147. What types of self-improvement programs can you pursue independently that will enhance your prospects as a candidate for employment upon release?

There are not many programs in the BOP that could help me prosper with the career that I want to go into upon my release.

148. In what ways do academic credentials influence an individual?s candidacy for employment??

It shows the employer that you are not a quitter and you can accomplish different task.?

149. How do prospective employers gauge the value of academic credentials??

They look at your academic credentials as a positive thing.

150. What types of self-improvement steps trump academic credentials??

A college degree and a self-will is the most important of all.



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